Thanks to all those who came along to my talk on visual effects as a creative process at Dog's Bar, St Kilda Shorts. As part of a Monday night series of industry guest speakers I was asked to present a collection of short films to discuss the various creative and technical processes involved with creating visual effects.
Also a big thanks to the directors and crews involved in the films and productions that were screened.
Fantasy based visual effects shot breakdown examples:
ABC 2, Ident AFTRS (Dir: Reece Sanders)
Junkyard, Short Film AFTRS (Dir: Reece Sanders - Mungo Horey)
Winner, Short Film - Directed by Kathryn Jamieson
The Simms 2, TVC AFTRS (Dir: Richard Richard Vilensky)
Style based visual effects shot breakdown examples:
Mordy Koots, Series (Dir: Clayton Jacobson)
Lipsmackers, TVC AFTRS (Dir: Scott Pickett)
Cosmetic based visual effects shot breakdown examples:
Shot Open, Short Film AFTRS - (Dir: Scott Pickett)
Mary and Max, Feature - (Dir: Adam Elliot)
Plastic, Short Film AFTRS - Directed by Sandy Widyanata